*You can convert your donation into one-time or monthly
You can now donate with Bizum


From your banking app in which you have Bizum active, select the option to send money, choose our NGO by manually entering the identifier, and choose the amount you want to donate.
IBAN: ES80 0081 0062 8900 0206 1413
*Concept: Donation to Asociación Karibia
Karibia Association is registered under number 68420 of section 1a of the demarcation of Barcelona of the Register of Associations of the Generalitat de Catalunya.

KARIBIA is already covered by Law 49/2002 on the tax regime for non-profit entities and tax incentives for patronage, as it is recognised as a Non-Governmental Organisation for Development (NGDO) by the Catalan Agency for Development Cooperation (ACCD).
And what does this mean for you, our partners, donors and collaborators?
This entitles individuals or legal entities that make a contribution to KARIBIA to tax deductions, which may be donations and gifts of money, property or rights or membership fees.
There are tax deductions for donations to NGOs that can range from 45% to 80% in Personal Income Tax (IRPF).
Since January 2024, the first €250 donated to an NGO entitles you to an 80% deduction. Translated into numbers:
If you have donated €250 during 2024 in your Income Tax return, you will deduct €200. In other words, it will have “only cost you” €50. Or its monthly equivalent: if you contribute €20/month, it costs you €4/month.
If your contribution exceeds €250 per year, you will deduct 80% for the first €250 and 40% for the remaining amount. And if it is the third year that you collaborate with the same NGO, the deduction will be 45% instead of 40% for that remaining amount (as long as the donation is equal to or greater each year than the previous year).
*In case you want to request the certificate of donations, you need to send us an email to with the following information so that we can identify your donation: Name and surname, ID, Postal address and Email, specifying the method used for the donation: PayPal, Credit or Debit Card, Bank Transfer or Bizum