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The person responsible for the processing of your personal data is the KARIBIA Association (hereinafter "KARIBIA").

Address: Pasaje Aymà 7, 08005 Barcelona

Telephone: +34 628212391, +34 672788704, e-mail:

Registration: KARIBIA is registered under number 68420 of section 1 of the Barcelona demarcation of the Registre d'Associacions de la Generalitat de Catalunya.

CIF: G02932499

On the website there is a series of informative content about the association and the work it carries out. Its main objective is to provide the general public with information regarding KARIBIA and its purpose.


The conditions of access and use of the website are governed by current legislation and by the principle of good faith, the user committing to make good use of it. Conduct that goes against the law, the rights or interests of third parties is not allowed.

Being a user of the website implies that you acknowledge having read and accepted these conditions and what is extended by the applicable legal regulations in this matter.

In case of doubt or query about any aspect related to privacy you can communicate it to our email address


KARIBIA is not responsible for the information and content stored in forums, social networks or any other means that allows third parties to publish content independently. However, taking into account the LSSICE (Law of Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce), KARIBIA undertakes to withdraw or, where appropriate, block those contents that could affect or contravene national or international legislation, rights third parties or morality and public order.

Nor will the company be liable for damages caused by failures or misconfigurations of the software installed on the Internet user's computer. All responsibility for any technical incident or failure that occurs when the user connects to the internet is excluded. Likewise, the inexistence of interruptions or errors in accessing the website is not guaranteed.

Likewise, KARIBIA reserves the right to update, modify or eliminate the information contained in its website, as well as its configuration or presentation, at any time without assuming any responsibility for it.


All contents accessible on the KARIBIA website are subject to intellectual property rights.

All information received on the website, such as comments, suggestions or ideas, will be considered assigned to KARIBIA for free. Information should not be sent that CANNOT be treated in this way.


In compliance with the provisions of article 5 of Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, Protection of Personal Data, we inform you that the completion and sending of forms, private donation, online donation or subscription to the newsletter or any other, or email, that you send us with your personal data, implies the express consent of the user for the processing of their personal data and the consent to receive the communications and information that KARIBIA considers interesting , always with the purpose and objectives pursued by the association, unless the interested party states otherwise. This information will be used only for relations between KARIBIA and partners, collaborators, donors or subscribers.

All data will be collected in a file whose responsibility is KARIBIA.

Any user may exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition, in accordance with the provisions of the aforementioned Law, by sending a written and signed request, including their name, surnames and a photocopy of the DNI, passport or other supporting document valid.

In accordance with current legislation, KARIBIA has adopted the necessary security measures for the protection of personal data that are established in Royal Decree 1720/2007 (Development Regulation of Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, Protection of Personal Data), having informed the people who will process the data about their obligations and the duty of confidentiality established by law. KARIBIA implements the necessary technical measures to guarantee the confidential treatment of the data, avoid its loss, alteration and unauthorized access.

You can exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion and portability, limitation and / or opposition to treatment through the postal and electronic addresses indicated specifying the right you wish to exercise along with a photocopy of your ID.

Likewise, if you consider that the processing of your personal data violates the regulations or your privacy rights, you can communicate it to our email address

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